Flexible configuration with Deferred Resources

June 21, 2021

Our feature libraries, which include UI, have a number of varying requirements regarding configuration by our customers. (My colleague Hari wrote about one such library’s requirements here .) Resources (text, colors, images, etc.) are a common type of configuration, and can be defined in various ways—typically in code, resources, or theme attributes. We created Deferred Resources to support such configurations, and with it our customers can consistently declare configuration properties from any of these common sources:

SomeConfiguration {
    textColor = DeferredColor.Constant(Color.WHITE)
    // or
    textColor = DeferredColor.Resource(R.color.splash_text)
    // or
    textColor = DeferredColor.Attribute(R.attr.colorOnSurface)

// Resolved to a @ColorInt in our UI:
@ColorInt val textColor = configuration.textColor.resolve(context)

This covers most of our customers' use cases. Deferred Resources has been working well for us for over a year now.

But beyond these common use cases, Deferred Resources' design provides a lot of flexibility to provide resources in other ways. Each deferred resource type is an interface with one or more abstract functions to resolve the underlying resource. Thus, a user of the Deferred Resources library can define any resource-resolution implementation they’d like. Here are some examples of how we’re taking advantage of this flexibility.

Color variants

The Backbase design system has a concept of “color variants,” where any theme color has lighter and darker alternates. These variants are defined by a computed overlay: a “lighter” variant is the base color with a 30% white overlay, while a “darker” variant is the base color with a 30% black overlay.

enum class ColorVariant(
    @ColorInt internal val overlay: Int
) {
    LIGHTER(overlay = Color.WHITE.withAlpha(0x4D)),
    DARKER(overlay = Color.BLACK.withAlpha(0x4D)),

By shipping a DeferredVariantColor class with our design system, we can make it very easy for our feature libraries as well as for our customers to use the same variants:

 * Convert a [DeferredColor] to a [variant] of the same color without resolving it
 * yet.
public fun DeferredColor.variant(variant: ColorVariant): DeferredColor =
  DeferredVariantColor(this, variant)

// See https://github.com/drewhamilton/Poko for more on the @Poko annotation
@Poko internal class DeferredVariantColor(
    private val base: DeferredColor,
    private val variant: ColorVariant
) : DeferredColor {

     * Using [context], resolve the base color with the variant applied.
    @ColorInt override fun resolve(context: Context): Int =
        ColorUtils.compositeColors(variant.foreground, base.resolve(context))

     * Using [context], resolve the base color with the variant applied.
     * This implementation does not support states other than the default state.
    override fun resolveToStateList(context: Context): ColorStateList =

With this, anyone using our design system can convert any configured color to a variant of the same color, even if the base color comes from an outside source and its value has not been resolved yet.

SomeConfiguration {
    buttonColor = DeferredColor.Attribute(R.attr.colorPrimary)
    buttonRippleColor = buttonColor.variant(ColorVariant.DARKER)

Supporting Lottie without depending on it

Some of our customers want to use Lottie to provide fun micro-animations to our feature libraries' UI. Other customers don’t want to use Lottie, or don’t want these animations at all. A custom implementation of the DeferredDrawable interface lets us support Lottie animations indirectly, without actually coupling our libraries to it or forcing our customers to take it on as a dependency.

As a standalone library, we ship a DeferredLottieDrawable class:

interface DeferredLottieDrawable : DeferredDrawable {

    override fun resolve(context: Context): LottieDrawable?

    class Resource(
        @RawRes private val rawRes: Int,
        private val transformations: LottieDrawable.(Context) -> Unit = {},
    ) : DeferredLottieDrawable {
        override fun resolve(context: Context): LottieDrawable? {
            val compositionResult =
                LottieCompositionFactory.fromRawResSync(context, rawRes)
            when (val exception = compositionResult.exception) {
                null -> return compositionResult.value?.asDrawable()?.apply {
                else -> throw exception

    // Other supported types are implemented too: Constant, Asset, and Stream

private fun LottieComposition.asDrawable() = LottieDrawable().apply {
    composition = this@asDrawable

Thanks to the base Drawable class and the Animatable interface, which are both part of the standard Android APIs, UI code that expects an animation can display this without knowing whether Lottie is involved:

val paymentSuccessIndication =
if (paymentSuccessIndication is Animatable) {

Our feature library consumers can provide a DeferredLottieDrawable if they are using Lottie, or any other DeferredDrawable if they don’t use Lottie:

SomeConfiguration {
    paymentSuccessIndication = DeferredLottieDrawable.Raw(
    ) {
        repeatCount = LottieDrawable.INFINITE
    // or
    paymentSuccessIndication = DeferredDrawable.Resource(
    // or
    paymentSuccessIndication = SomeCustomDeferredAnimatedDrawable(customInputs)

Remote configuration

We’re just starting to explore another possible resource-resolution approach with Deferred Resources: resolving values from a remote server. Imagine one of our libraries has a configuration to enable a new feature:

SomeConfiguration {
    coolNewFeatureEnabled = DeferredBoolean.Constant(false)

A factory that is hooked up to a feature flagging backend could determine in the background whether any remote configuration has changed, and surface that update when a custom DeferredBoolean implementation is resolved:

interface RemoteConfigApi {

     * Returns the boolean value defined by [key] according to this
     * [RemoteConfigApi]'s internal state. This may return a default value
     * if the remote API call has not completed.
    fun getBooleanValue(key: String): Boolean

class FeatureFlagFactory(
    private val remoteConfigApi: RemoteConfigApi,
) {
    fun createDeferredFeatureFlag(featureName: String): DeferredBoolean =
        object : DeferredBoolean {
            override fun resolve(context: Context): Boolean =

The consuming app can fetch the remote values in the background when the app is launched and use this factory to create its deferred feature flag, and the feature will be enabled depending on whatever the configuration backend has returned:

val remoteConfigApi = MyRemoteConfigApi(
    url = "example.com",
    defaultValues = mapOf("coolNewFeature" to false),
).also {
    coroutineScope.launch { it.fetchLatestValues() }
val featureFlagFactory = FeatureFlagFactory(remoteConfigApi)

SomeConfiguration {
    coolNewFeatureEnabled =

We’re still working on this API’s design, but just like our Lottie support, we aim to ship remote configuration support for our customers that want it, while not forcing it on the customers who don’t.

All three of these utilizations of Deferred Resources have one thing in common: they decouple the specific feature in question from the consumption site—our feature libraries. With this abstraction, our feature libraries are almost limitlessly flexible while remaining uncoupled from any specialized resource-resolution approach.

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